Spark and Sustain:
Interfaith Center for Spiritual Quests and Cooperative Service Projects
We envision a world where all people feel a deep a sense of connection, belonging, and responsibility to the terrestrial, mythical, and spiritual dimensions of life;
A world where we actively steward the health and well-being of people, place, and planet.
To spark and sustain spiritual engagement and collaborative action in service to the greater good.
*Given our large community, and COVID restrictions, we won’t be able to receive everyone at the same time, so to assist with our intention to create a culturally and energetically diverse space, we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out our short survey. Answers will only be seen by our team.
If you’re interested in participating, please let us know by following this link and completing our survey - we’ll then put your name on the list!
Questions? Contact us at [ ]
Upcoming Sunday Service Dates:
June 20th 10:00 - 12:30
July 4th 10:00 - 12:30
July 18th 10:00 - 12:30
August 1st 10:00 - 12:30
COVID, the economic and environmental crisis, and the recent escalation of cultural and racial divides have increased our sense of urgency to serve the greater good in this time of profound need. For us, this means addressing the material, psychological, and spiritual gaps that come from our increasingly fragmented, isolated, and contextually meaningless lives.
A small group of us has been working on this project since early March 2020. 1.0 means we are at a good enough place to begin, but we are still a work in progress. We have an inspiring program, but we’re relying on you: our creative, talented, and passionate community to join us and increase its impact.
Our initial goal is to have a Community-wide Service monthly, or bimonthly, for 3+ hours to connect, celebrate, activate, and support each other on our personal quests for meaning and collaborative service.
We currently have small project-specific teams that include: a Mental Health Team, the “Sitting in the Fire” Book Club, the “Men’s Martial Arts and Nature Circle”, and the “Becoming Human: A Most Excellent Finishing School” (curriculum development and implementation for children age 0-100).
We’re also excited by other ideas and projects and we welcome the opportunity to support and collaborate with your initiatives as well! Here are just a few that come to mind:
Restorative Justice
Celebrations and Ceremonies
Nature Connections and Environmental Responsibility
BIPOC Empowerment
Parenting and Family Groups
Addiction Support and Recovery
Pilgrimage: Group Adventures and Collective Spiritual Journeys
Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking across the divides
Empowering People with disabilities
We’ll be requiring that everyone follow Oregon State COVID protocols.
Currently, we will be limiting the gathering to around 30 people. Oregon rules state that 50 is acceptable but our space is limited. We will be gathering outside, under tents if needed, but if anyone has any ideas or connections for a larger and more suitable location (especially with winter approaching) we would love your suggestions and connections.
We hope you join us! Inquires contact
The Team (Roberto, Catherine, James, Trish, & Marta)
Secular and/or religious arguments aside, we believe the experience of being human is, in part, “spiritual”. We’re not thrilled with the word but it’s the closest we could get to a universally recognized concept that articulates humanity’s quest for meaning, purpose, and belonging.
Given our ethnically and culturally diverse society, we understand that each person/group has their own relationship to spirituality. Thus, we are not advocating for nor excluding a particular faith, philosophy, or ideology. Instead, we are committed to encouraging and supporting each one of us to question, seek, and gain insight and motivation from any life-affirming narrative that helps us feel deeply connected and engages us in doing good in the world.
Aside from those who identify with and have a positive association with organized religion and/or spirituality, there are many who have had little or no exposure or have been hurt. Whatever your experience, we welcome you wherever you are on the journey.
Our declared intention is to spark and sustain “spiritual” engagement and collaborative action in service to the greater good.